April 15, 2016 Penisula Beacon Story
San Diego City Council led by District 2 Councilmember Lorie Zapf supported the Point Loma community by voting 6-3 to support the appeal and defeat the Project. Thanks to all who attended the City Council hearing on Feb. 9, 2015 and the 900 who signed petitions!
Council Rejects Pt. Loma project, UT 2/9/15 - Point Loma Subdivision Rejected by Council, UT 2/10/15
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A message from James Jessop...
  "This development crowds buildings that are out of place in the neighborhood and add erosion risks to the fragile cliffs by water run-off. The proposed development requires multiple deviations from the requirements of the San Diego Municipal code regulating access, setbacks and height. The proposed subdivision is inconsistent with the Community Plan.  I urge the City to Deny the Municipal Code deviations."
- James Jessop

Joseph Jessop Estate The project is proposed on a environmentally sensitive steep hillside identified in the 1987 Peninsula Community Plan adopted by the San Diego City Council

Peninsula Community Plan Hillside Review Overlay Zone Review


January 30, 2015 Press Release

Television News Coverage of February 2, 2015 Press Event
Fox 5

NBC 7/39

KUSI 9/51
Aerial Video of Old Jessop Estate
(click bottom right square of frame for full screen)

The Issue:

A 4 lot subdivision is being proposed for the old Jessop estate located at 414 La Crescentia Drive in Point Loma. This project, known as “The Point Loma Summit Subdivision “ is in violation of our adopted Peninsula Community Plan; contains deviations to the existing Zoning Code regarding access, setbacks and height; is located on an environmentally sensitive steep hillside and sets a bad precedent for future deviations and variances to the San Diego City land use policies detrimental to community character and our quality of life.

The project was recommended for DENIAL by our Peninsula Community Planning Board on August 15, 2012 by a vote of 12-0-1. But, the project was recommended for APPROVAL by the San Diego City Planning Commission on June 19, 2014.

NOTE: The FINAL DECISION by the San Diego City Council has been delayed from Monday, November 17th to Monday, February 9, 2015 at 2pm at City Hall, 202 C St, Downtown.

The proposed development includes deviations and variances to the San Diego city land use policy regarding required yard setbacks
Joseph Jessop Estate

Preserve Point Loma

E-mail: - 619-573-5230